Saturday, September 17, 2005


I have about 50 more photos to post. All of Gulfport. Later though, I'm through for the day...


Photos around Biloxi. Mainly D'Iberville and St. Martin and down south to Hwy. 90

The Hard Rock Casino was supposed to open exactly one week after Katrina hit. Now they have to rebuild...Again...

The actual casino portion that was over the water.

This was an abandoned hotel. Almost looks like a building in Iraq. Casino Magic is the barge on the left. The damage on the building is from the casino smashing into it.

Another view...

This is the Grand Casino Biloxi. It's supposed to be floating in the water. Thanks to Katrina it is now a commuter on Highway 90.


Casino Magic Biloxi.

This WAS the Bombay Bicycle Club on Highway 90 in Biloxi.

Ryan with the President Casino (supposed to be in the water) behind him. The casino was dropped off on the other side of the highway.


There used to be a house on those white pilings.



Same area as the below picture. Everything was destroyed.

This is going through the D'Iberville and St. Martin areas in Biloxi..

Someones house in someones front yard..


No hesitation either..








This house literally floated away..

This is Ryan in front of his house. We have been getting in trouble together since 5th grade. He lost everything in his home. I almost yacked walking around in his house. It stunk real bad, the mud was almost like oil and it covered everything. The area his home is in is now quarantined and may be condemned.

Breakfast anyone? Ryans kitchen a la Katrina...

This shows how high the water got in Ryans house.

This little play house has been around since I was a toddler. My Uncle built it for my Cousin. Amazing it's still standing. (For those that don't know, I'm 26 so it's pretty old. lol)

Dads House

These are Dads house after Hurricane Katrina. He got stuck in the house (long story) as the storm was coming in. He ended up riding out the storm in the attic. Without going into emotional detail, he said this is something he will never ever forget. It was very scary.

I may change this. I want to tell the stories, we'll see what he says and if so, then I'll write.




These pictures make me sick...

My Dad loves the Wizard of Oz. He had an amazing collection of stuff. Most of which is gone. That hanging on the wall is actually a puzzle. Glad it stayed.


The truck was in the drive way.

What used to be a nice backyard.

South side of the house. (Facing the Gulf)

The pressure from the water inside the house just toppled the brick all the way around. I think I may have seen one house on that street that had A brick wall left.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

...more to come...

I've got about 90 more pictures to post. I get depressed doing this, seeing them, reliving the emotions of others that I picked up on while I was there. I need a break but will get more up tomorrow. I have alot of Biloxi and Gulfport around a couple of the casinos. More to Come...

This was the room I slept in when we visited.. Completely wiped out and you can even see through the bedroom at the end.

Garage wall.


Garage ladder to attic. You can see straight through the back of the house. I can't imagine the power of that water when it came through. It devasted everything.

Shot of the garage. Alot of things in here are from neighbors. Possibly from streets down.

Good shot of attic exposure. I couldn't imagine being in that attic with Tornados all around being able to see down and that your house was completely flooded. Watching your belongings be destroyed, your memories shattered. Other peoples memories flowing through the house. Hard to imagine.

I believe this was his bedroom. No outer walls, attic completely exposed to the elements. I still can't believe the roof survived.

This is a view form the attic where my Dad rode out the storm.

This is the corner my Dad took refuge in. He had a blanket, flashlight and mattress for protection.

Irreplaceable family photos. It's so sad how much family history was lost in my Dads house. He is a firm believer in holding on to things and passing them down. I'm glad my Grandfathers Captains Wheel has been in my possesion. That would have been a very nice bit of history, lost...