Saturday, June 30, 2007 in texas...

This little guy was tanning at the pool. He looks pretty blazed. (I didn't make it)

...frozen delusions...

A bit of home in the middle of Texas!

Makes me smile. {=0)

Just some miscellaneous photos.

Flag Football Tournament - Old Settlers Park, Round Rock. I was proud of myself for getting this one. :)

A guy at work flies these. Morgan enjoyed watching it fly around. So did the kids across the street that were supposed to be practicing soccer. :)

Check out the leg on the left side of the picture, it's the craziest. I took a long exposure of two people swinging.



...twilight the music in your head...

*whispering* I see dead people... look closer

It was almost midnight, completely dark outside. I was taking pictures of stars and kept getting a very strange feeling. Something told me to take a shot down the road; so I did. When I got home I looked at the picture but didn't see anything. I was going to put it behind me but something kept nagging me about it. I opened it in Photoshop and started playing with it. After making light out of dark I was shocked; can you see it? I was out there alone!!

Easter '07

Just some 'anonymous' Easter photos.

Penny and Morgan made this.