Friday, October 06, 2006





Good thing Katrina didn't come this way...


There were a couple of groups on the boat. This is everyones catch combined.

The shark has his eye on you.


The IT groups catch of the day.

"Hey you! Would'ya throw me back in the water please!!"

My manager having a moment with his fish. You rock Jerry! lol

Austin, Texas. Leaving Mt. Bonnell

Mom and her Grandbabies as she likes to call them. {=0)

Nieces, Nephews and my Pride and Joy (far right).

My little sister. This was taken at Mt. Bonnell in Austin. We had perfect timing, someone just finished shooting wedding photos hence the rose petals. Turned out good.

My little sister's daughter, my youngest niece.

My little sister's daughter, my oldest niece.

This little guy was hard to capture.